Jesus shared a very special meal with His disciples the night before He was crucified. He used this meal to teach His followers some very important spiritual truths represented by physical symbols. We believe that these symbols are important for us to practice as well so that we are reminded of these spiritual truths in our daily lives.

During our communion service, we re-enact Jesus' example of foot washing (John 13:1-17). It reminds us that we have a have a daily need for cleansing of sin and that we are to humbly serve one another. Jesus wants us to remember that even though His followers have been forgiven of sin (past, present, and future), we must appropriate His cleansing power and forgiveness on a daily basis. There is the cleansing of feet and there is a complete bath. His disciples had already had a bath (saved from sin's condemnation) but needed their feet washed (daily spiritual cleansing - 1 John 1:9). This reminds us of the present work of Christ in our lives.
Next we enjoy a simply meal of finger foods called the love feast which is a wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement. This meal reminds us that we are part of God's family and look forward to the ultimate meal which will be shared with Christ our Savior and all those who are His followers. This is referred to in Revelation 19:6-9 and points to our salvation Future.
At the conclusion of the love feast, we also remember the great price which Jesus paid for our sin through His death on the cross. We do this by using the bread and cup as a symbol. The bread is broken as a symbol that we share in His death as He offered Himself in our place. The cup represents His blood that was shed, establishing the New Covenant of relationship which is now available between God and man (1 Corinthians 11:23-32). This reminds us of salvation Past.
These three elements which were instituted by Jesus is called three-fold communion. Here at Valley Grace, we practice an open communion as we invite all believers to take part. You do not need to be an official member of Valley Grace. You are also invited to observe the symbolism without participating if you wish to find out more.
Note: The service begins in the Auditorium where we reflect on why we have come as we sing a few songs and hymns and reflect on Scripture. Then we practice footwashing where men and women divide to wash one another's feet. We move to the Fellowship Hall where we share in the simple meal followed by an opportunity for testimony and sharing of prayer requests. The evening is finished with taking the bread and cup together.
Note: The service begins in the Auditorium where we reflect on why we have come as we sing a few songs and hymns and reflect on Scripture. Then we practice footwashing where men and women divide to wash one another's feet. We move to the Fellowship Hall where we share in the simple meal followed by an opportunity for testimony and sharing of prayer requests. The evening is finished with taking the bread and cup together.
Want more information? HERE is a link to a message on John 13 which gives a more in depth explanation.