(#) = Years Remaining
Elected Positions
Board of Overseers (2-year term)
* Brad Brenk (2)
* Steve Hartt (2)
* Josh Martin (2)
* Chuck Osborne (1)
* Jeff Rowe (1)
*Pastor Dan Pritchett (indefinite term)
*Pastor Doug Courter (indefinite term)
Deacon/Deaconess (3-year term)
Peggy Eyler (2)
Michael & Hannah Leatherman (2)
Dennis & Jamie Messer (3)
Ben & Meg Wagner (3)
Financial Secretary (3-year term)
*Ben Wagner (2)
Nominating Team (2-year term)
Lori Orlando (2)
Vic Orlando (2)
Betty Jo Shiffler (2)
Treasurer (3-year term)
*Bob Alton (2)
Assistant Treasurer (3-year term)
*Josh Martin (2)
Appointed Positions
Director of Women's Ministries (2-year term)
Kris Rowe (2)
Head Deacon (3-year term)
*(not appointed yet)
Head Trustee (3-year term)
*Michael Leatherman
Recording Secretary (2-year term)
*Steve Hartt (2)
Standing Teams
Missions Team Leader
*(not appointed yet)
Nominating Team (1-year term)
(no appointments needed)
Worship Team Leader
*Erika Osborne
Vice-Moderator (2-year term)
*Jeff Rowe (2)
* = Officers
Pastoral Liaisons
Missions Team (Pastor Doug)
Trustees Team (Pastor Doug)
Worship Team (Pastor Doug)
Board of Overseers (2-year term)
* Brad Brenk (2)
* Steve Hartt (2)
* Josh Martin (2)
* Chuck Osborne (1)
* Jeff Rowe (1)
*Pastor Dan Pritchett (indefinite term)
*Pastor Doug Courter (indefinite term)
Deacon/Deaconess (3-year term)
Peggy Eyler (2)
Michael & Hannah Leatherman (2)
Dennis & Jamie Messer (3)
Ben & Meg Wagner (3)
Financial Secretary (3-year term)
*Ben Wagner (2)
Nominating Team (2-year term)
Lori Orlando (2)
Vic Orlando (2)
Betty Jo Shiffler (2)
Treasurer (3-year term)
*Bob Alton (2)
Assistant Treasurer (3-year term)
*Josh Martin (2)
Appointed Positions
Director of Women's Ministries (2-year term)
Kris Rowe (2)
Head Deacon (3-year term)
*(not appointed yet)
Head Trustee (3-year term)
*Michael Leatherman
Recording Secretary (2-year term)
*Steve Hartt (2)
Standing Teams
Missions Team Leader
*(not appointed yet)
Nominating Team (1-year term)
(no appointments needed)
Worship Team Leader
*Erika Osborne
Vice-Moderator (2-year term)
*Jeff Rowe (2)
* = Officers
Pastoral Liaisons
Missions Team (Pastor Doug)
Trustees Team (Pastor Doug)
Worship Team (Pastor Doug)